How tags are growing ?

This graph shows the growth of tags in each month.The vertical position of circle represent the count of questions in a month.

From August 2008 to 2013 December how many questions are asked against each tag monthly ? This graph shows the growth of tags in each month. So all start from 0 in August and after one month C# got 501 question , .net got 444 , Java got 220 , C++, JavaScript got 160 , HTML got 101 etc. So after this , each day number is getting bigger and bigger , in 2013 December C# total count to 56K with a 14k question in that month only, 501 to 14K shows the popularity of the site now a days. We can see growth rate of java, javascript comes top with 18K and android 14K just above c#.
In the last five years the hot month was October 2013 , in that month JavaScript got 19647 question which is the height by any tag up to that time. If we check the months after 2013 December obviously it might have changed because in general after every month the count is increasing for all tag. In the month of December almost all year we can see a decrease in number of questions from the previous month commonly for all tags. It's the vacation time across the world :).
Each circle represents the tags and radius of the circle represent the total count till date. The vertical position represent the count of questions in the month displayed in left side date label. Click on date label to stop the animation. Mouse over each circle to display the tag name and count of the current month displayed. You can change the month with left and right arrows. Click on restart button to restart the animation from starting.
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