Relation between tags in stackoverflow

This graph shows the relation between first 60 tags and each tags first 60 related tags.

It is a visualization of first 60 tags in sorted by the number of questions asked against each tag from beginning to 1/1/2014. c# tops with highest number of question followed by java,javascript,php.The left side bar-chart helps to sort it out clearly with its number of questions
The chord-chart tells you how these tags are related to each other, means if a question is tagged with two or more tags they are related to each other.All questions are tagged with their subject areas. Each can have up to 5 tags, since a question might be related to several subjects. So in data related to java total number of questions asked is 539343 among that 64043 questions are tagged android
  • android : 64043
  • swing : 34189
  • eclipse : 21011
  • spring : 19241
  • hibernate : 15605
  • multithreading : 12015
  • xml : 11153
  • jsp : 10655
  • .... etc
I took the first 60 tags and each tags first 60 related tags. So its not necessary that all are related to each other for example in the first 60 list of php we cannot find any .net , c or c++ .
In this ‘javascript’ is largest arc, means it's tagged along with other tags in highest number , out of total 505950 questions jquery holds 172170 ,
  • jquery : 172170
  • html : 78658
  • php : 36424
  • css : 35249
  • ajax : 28496
  • html5 : 18537
  • .... etc
And we can see the strong bond between the c family and linux c c++ linux, of course apple guys iPhone ios objective-c x-code , also check Android Development Tools (ADT) deep love eclipse android java .
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